diumenge, 20 de febrer del 2011

Shooting " My last chance "

La semana pasada estuve rodando el corto  "My last chance" escrito y dirigido por Dani Zarandieta, el rodaje, el ambiente, las localizaciones y todo el equipo genial. Ya tengo ganas de hacer mas cosas con ellos. Cuando tenga el video lo cuelgo rapido!

La setmana passada vaig estar rodant el curt " My last chance " escrit i dirigit per Dani Zarandieta, el rodatge, l'ambient, les localitzacions i tot l'equip genial. Ja tinc ganes de fer mes coses amb ells.
Quan tingui el video el penjo rapid!

The last week I was shooting the short "My last chance" written and directed by Dani Zarandieta, the crew, the locations...everything was rally great!!

diumenge, 13 de febrer del 2011

Zen Moments

Nyam nyam

The picture is bad ...but the views are awesome!

Good nightzzzzz

Pictures and more 2

Os voy a poner un poco al dia...
Us posare una mica al dia...

Noelia & Natxo farewell party

Farewell party -Noelia and Dave-

Barber Shop ( with Cocktail! )

Chinese New Year's eve

Chinese new year's eve

Enjoying the party!


Look at the camera!

Look at the camera!!


Is anybody there?

My classmates

My classmates and me
My birthday party!!

The video project for International Center NY -Ludo-

The video project for ICNY -Takashi, Waqas, Ludo-

The video project for ICNY -Takashi, Waqas-

The video project for ICNY -Ludo, Eri, me and Waqas-

They were here 2

Will Eisner was born in Brooklyn, New York, and now I'm reading this book, if you find it buy it!!


diumenge, 6 de febrer del 2011

Chinavan's Day !! -Furnishing my apartment-

Hermano Jaime ready for some action!

Born to be wild!

Waiting for the team

Reading the brand...We have the best van!!

But we had other possibilities...

This one


Or this!